So, it has been an eventful year already. First, I'll start with the oath ceremony. On March 18 of 2009 I became a naturalized U.S. citizen. It was such a memorable experience for me that I will never forget. Being in a room full of people that shared the same struggles, hopes, and dreams made me realize that this is the place where I'm supposed to be. This IS the land of freedom and opportunities; I believe in that so strongly! And I'm grateful to have gone through what I did as an immigrant, because it has made me a better person, and it has taught me to appreciate what I have. Thanks to my parents' sacrifice 15 years ago, I can enjoy of the many opportunities this beautiful country has to offer. Hooray for the U.S.! Here are some pictures of the oath ceremony.Oath of Citizenship
My parents. I'm so grateful for their love and sacrifice. I owe them so much!
My sister Carolina and her little girl 'Nani'. My sister became a U.S. citizen four years ago. She's also an amazing example to me.
Mom and Dad Carver. So glad they were able to come and be there with me on such special day.
Little Dylan napping on Grandma's lap
This is the second part of this post....My Alex and My baby Dylan. I have been trying to take as many pictures of them as possible, but I just realized I haven't been doing a good job. I can't believe how fast time goes by. Alex is already getting ready for his first tricycle and Dylan is my little baby that I'm sure I'll wake up one day to see a toddler jumping on his crib. :( I love my boys so much!!! Aunt Mari, hope you like the pics!
Alex - 2 1/2 years old. Alex and Daddy test-driving the new ride
PJ trying to show Alex how to pedal
Dylan - 2 1/2 months. Bad hair day Dylan?? I actually did that to his hair on's supposed to be a Mohawk, alright?! Amms, you might need to show me how to style boys' hair. :)
'The Daze'. I'm really tired and I'm trying to close my eyes but I refuse!
'The Daze' again. Do his eyes look hazel?
My Chubby boy
Not so happy about the scratch on my cheek that bled for days.
Dad, quit scaring me! Check out the double chin people!
Alex and Dylan trying to play together. Not sure how Dylan feels about it.
Run over by cars. Poor Dylan.
Meet Carrot...
Meet the rest of Alex's potato head collection.